
Code 全称 作用
pwd print working directory 定位当前directory的位置
ls listing 显示当前directory中的文件
. 当前位置
.. 当前位置的上一级
~ 当前用户主目录


Code 全称 作用
cp copy 拷贝文件
mv * 移动文件
* 重命名文件
rm remove 删除文件
rmdir 删除directory
mkdir 创建directory


Code 全称 作用
cat concatenate 连接文件或标准输入并打印它们
less one page is displayed at a time
:n move to the next file
:p go back to the previous file
:q quit
head print the first few lines of a file (where "a few" means 10)
head -n 3 only display the first three lines of the file
ls -R see everything underneath a directory, no matter how deeply nested it is
ls -R prints a / after the name of every directory and a * after the name of every runnable program
man manual help to find out what commands do
history print a list of commands you have run recently
!55 re-run the 55th command in your history
  • tab可以自动补全
  • head and tail select rows, cut selects columns, and grep selects lines according to what they contain, and grep has the following command-line flags
    • -c: print a count of matching lines rather than the lines themselves
    • -h: do not print the names of files when searching multiple files
    • -i: ignore case (e.g., treat "Regression" and "regression" as matches)
    • -l: print the names of files that contain matches, not the matches
    • -n: print line numbers for matching lines
    • -v: invert the match, i.e., only show lines that don't match

Command-Line Flag

  • -n: is meant to signal "number of lines"
  • -R: means "recursive"
  • -f: means "fields"
  • -d: means "delimiter"

Combining Tools

Code 全称 作用
> tell the shell to redirect the output to a file
wc word count print the number of characters, words, and lines in a file
sort put data in order
uniq remove adjacent duplicated lines
  • The pipe symbol | tells the shell to use the output of the command on the left as the input to the command on the right.
  • Ctrl+C: 终止程序进程


  • *: match zero or more characters
  • ? matches a single character, so 201?.txt will match 2017.txt or 2018.txt, but not 2017-01.txt.
  • [...] matches any one of the characters inside the square brackets, so 201[78].txt matches 2017.txt or 2018.txt, but not 2016.txt.
  • {...} matches any of the comma-separated patterns inside the curly brackets, so {*.txt, *.csv} matches any file whose name ends with .txt or .csv, but not files whose names end with .pdf.

[singh,johel]{*.pdf, *.txt} the expression in square brackets matches only one character, not entire words.
{singh.pdf, j*.txt} is ok.

Batch Processing

Code 全称 作用
set get a complete list of the environment variables
echo prints a variable's value's arguments
  • To get the variable's value, you must put a dollar sign $ in front of it.


for …variable… in …list… ; do …body… ; done

Creating New Tools

How to edit a file

  • Ctrl + K: delete a line.
  • Ctrl + U: un-delete a line.
  • Ctrl + O: save the file (O stands for 'output'). You will also need to press Enter to confirm the filename!
  • Ctrl + X: exit the editor.
最后修改日期: 2024年 2月 3日



